A Free Conference Open To All

Mongueurs de Perl, AFPy (Association Francophone Python), Ruby France, and European Smalltalk User Group invite you on October 9th and 10th for the 2nd Open Source Developers Conference France.
The conference will be held at La Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, in Paris.
Entrance is free and open to all!
What is OSDC.fr?
The goal of OSDC.fr is to gather French-speaking developers from different communities around innovative technologies... More details here...
Last minute news
- If you couldn't make it to the conference, you can still watch the talks from the Agora room on the web: http://cite-sciences.ubicast.eu/lives/thd-live/
- Scott Chacon will not be able to attend and make the talk "Wrangling Git: Advanced Tips and Tricks", but Tom Preston-Werner (@mojombo, cofounder of GitHub, author of Jekyll, Tomdoc, God...) kindly accepted to replace him.
Keep in touch
Watch this space for updates, or check the feed.
Latest news
08/10/10 GitHub Drinkup saturday evening
With the venue of Tom Preston-Werner who will do a talk about Git at OSDC.fr, GitHub will organise a GitHub Drinkup in Paris after tomorrow's conference sessions, from 6pm to 8pm, at La Chope de Corentin:
13 Avenue Corentin Cariou
75019 Paris
subway station : Corentin Cariou
(at 5 minutes' walk from la Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie). Free entrance and GitHub is offering the beer!
You may also want to subscribe to the Conference dinner just after that party.
06/10/10 Friday evening diner
If you're in town on Friday evening, please join us at the restaurant "Chez Papa", rue Montmartre.
Information and registration on the wiki.
And of course restaurant on Satursday.