Osmocom Erlang SCCP/TCAP/MAP protocol stack
Osmocom Erlang SCCP/TCAP/MAP protocol stack
Par Harald Welte
Date : samedi 13 octobre 2012 18h10
Durée : 90 minutes
Langue : English
Tags : gsm map mobile mvno roaming ss7 tcap umts
This talk will introduce those sub-projects of Osmocom which are implemented in the Erlang programming language. This includes implementation of the GSM/UMTS core network protocols which are used on the roaming interface between mobile operators, such as SCCP/TCAP and MAP.
As those protocols are specified as a combination of ASN.1 based syntax/encoding and SDL-diagrams for state machines, the built-in Erlang support for ASN.1 (asn1c/asn1rt) as well as the gen_fsm behaviour for finit estate machines are a natural match.
Présentation suivie par: Olivier Mengué (dolmen), Philippe Cantin,