Listen and look at your PHP code

Listen and look at your PHP code

Par Gabriele Santini
Date : samedi 9 octobre 2010 10h40
Durée : 40 minutes
Langue : English
Tags : assurance development php quality

There is quite a big contrast between increasing interest in PHP development industrialization and quality assurance and the low level of adoption of the existing analysis tools.

We'll make a tour of static analysis tools as PHP_CodeSniffer, PHP_Depend and PHPMD (staticReflection), phploc and phpcpd, bytekit and bytekit-cli, vld, padawan, phantm, … .

Each tool description will be usage oriented : in which area it is best fitted, how to (well) use it, how to extend it.

Then we will survey several reporting and continuous integration tools as PHPUnderControl, Hudson, Arbit, Sonar for PHP

Présentation suivie par: Bruno Michel (‎N`‎), Hugo Hamon, Benjamin Grandfond, Olivier Mengué (‎dolmen‎), Anicet Rohee, Mika Marchal, Martin Berends (‎mberends‎), Damien Pollet,