Rock: using Ruby to achieve autonomy in a robotic system

Rock: using Ruby to achieve autonomy in a robotic system

Par Sylvain Joyeux
Date : vendredi 23 septembre 2011 17h20
Durée : 45 minutes
Langue : English
Tags : framework robotic ruby

This talk will present the Robot Construction Kit, a software framework for robotic development. The interesting part of the framework is the mixing of C++ components for high-performance and low-latency operations and of Ruby-based tooling for the coordination, adaptation and management of these components.

The talk will be in two parts: (1) description of the general framework ideas and implementation, (2) lessons learned - it runs for more than two years on multiple robots.

Présentation suivie par: Pierre Chapuis (‎catwell‎), Michel Martens, Cédric Deltheil, Jean-François Trân (‎underflow_‎),