A Free Conference Open To All

Mongueurs de Perl, AFPy (Association Francophone Python), Ruby France, and European Smalltalk User Group invite you on September 23th & 24th for the 3nd Open Source Developers Conference France.
The conference will be held in Paris, at Eurosites George V. It will be a major part of the track CODE of the Open World Forum.
Entrance is free and open to all!
What is OSDC.fr?
The goal of OSDC.fr is to gather French-speaking developers from different communities around innovative technologies... More details here...
Keep in touch
Watch this space for updates, or check the feed.
Latest news
21/09/11 Dinner for Early Birds (Thursday evening)
Early birds can meet for a dinner on Thursday 22nd evening at restaurant: "Chez Papa" 153 rue Montmartre, 75002 Paris Metro Grands Boulevards or Bourse
RDV at 20h30 at the restaurant.
Please register on the wiki" so we can book.
13/09/11 One week left till OSDC FR 2011!
The final schedule is online.
Entrance is free but please register on this website to let us know how many people to expect.
See you on Friday 23 & Saturday 24 in Eurosites George V!